Hey Zia,
Is it freezing here or what???

Damn, we had a low of 29 last night and pretty close tonight. Suppose to be very very windy tomorrow too. Where's our California sun???

I know, it's insane!

Did it snow near you?
It snowed this afternoon in Malibu, Venice, and parts of Santa Monica (not my house though, unfortunately).

It's so weird, I've never seen that before in my life,
anywhere around here. Today I was seeing snow on the sides of the streets, and on some rooftops and lawns within like 5 minutes of my house, and it's like unheard of. I didn't have class today, but my mom said she heard there was snow in Westwood too, near or at UCLA. Can you believe it??? I still can't.
It's not like deep snow or anything, it's just a little bit, but still, it's the most surreal thing, driving on a street, seeing our ocean on one side and snow on the other. Very, very strange.
I bet it'll melt fast though.

By the way, our friends all around the rest of the country are probably going, "Woooowwwwww, snow, big deal." But hey, it's a big deal if it's never happened in your city before!

Oh and XDC, that's true, that's the only part of the screwdriver that's good. I'll have a screwdriver, hold the OJ.