Originally Posted By: Tony Love
Lets not turn this into another bitch fest between the left and right over everything.

This discussion is about Fox News smearing Senator Obama, lets stick to Fox News.

For being such a mainstream station, Fox News definitely performed a low-blow to Senator Obama. They claim to be "fair and balanced" and then do shit like this. Why do they have to be fake? Just decide if you want to be non-partisan, or incredible.

I say to Barack Obama, attack and expose relentlessly. They've proven to you that they will pull no punches. This is the perfect opportunity to expose them for who they are, and what their roll really is in the media, to smear the reputations of U.S. Congressmen with opposing views. After months of ruining careers with false information, the smearing campaign didn't work for Joe McCarthy back in the 50's, lets see how well it will work for you, Fox News.

Again, first of all, as Don Cardi has pointed out, there are rumors flying that it was the Clinton camp that actually released this. Would you be surprised? I can't wait to watch the Democrats tear each other apart in the primaries.

Furthermore, FoxNews isn't the only news station that has professed objectivity and couldn't hold up their own standards. Why, the immortal Dan Rather and CBS's unfounded smear on President Bush resulted in his own dismissal. If that isn't enough, read Bernie Goldberg's Bias. It gives you an idea of how cerebral and biased Rather really is/was.