QUOTE: And as for anyone who doesn't think Michael could have been (if his life circumstances had been different) an ideal husband and father, ask a woman and I'm sure you'll get a different opinion. If I had a handsome husband who, when welcomed at his hotel room by a roomful of beauties, says "Get rid of them" and only had eyes for me, THAT'S what I would call IDEAL. END QUOTE

I'm sure a lot of women would agree with you, but not all of us. Personally, I'd want to know WHY he said "Get rid of them." If it was because he'd never dream of being unfaithful, great. If it was because he was too busy planning criminal business deals to take time out for hanky-panky, that's not so great. My ideal husband would be handsome, faithful, and, uh -- not a murderer. wink

"Blood protects blood."