Originally Posted By: Don Cardi
And why is it so hard for you (et al) to figure out that we Americans should be shown what kind of motherf**kers we are fighting over there so that the douchebags in this country who are attempting to defund the war, and the world appeasing asshole politicians will realize that we need to fight this war using all means neccesary to win it? The story of these four soldiers should be shown so that Americans here at home, like yourself CAN and WILL be responsible for supporting what those American Soldiers where trying to do on your behalf.

That's the kind of news that I want to have on the front page.

I partially agree with you until you get into the part which says, "we need to fight this war using all means necessary to win it", we can use all means necessary, and still get our ass kicked. With U.S. intervention, it will take two forces to get Iraq back on its feet, the U.S. and Iraq, primarily Iraq. The willingness by the Iraqis is very dubious at this point given the countries current state of chaos and apartheid.

I do agree that we need more of this stuff on the front page. We need to get the real story, and not the watered down version. We need to see both the good and the bad of this war. We need to see flag draped caskets being brought back to this country (the administration should be charged with a war crime for keeping this from us), we should also see victories and restoration taking place within the country. We should also see the stable Iraqi government being established.

"Any American who is prepared to run for president should automatically, by definition, be disqualified from ever doing so"-Gore Vidal
"Conformity is the jailer of freedom and enemy of growth"-John Fitzgerald Kennedy
"The reason the mainstream is thought of as a stream is because of its shallowness"-George Carlin