Originally Posted By: Sicilian Babe
Pavano?? What a joke!!

As for Bernie, I think that last season he proved that still had a contribution to make to the team. I think it would be a disgrace to let him go. A minor league team?? An insult.

I have to be honest...I was watching Pavano pitch this morning in the A-Rod 10 RBI game versus LAA.


If that sonofabitch could stay healthy, he's got a great power fastball and a wicked slider. I'm actually excited to see what he can do healthy.

That isn't to say I think he's going to be great...he has to earn the #5 starter spot for sure, and he's a huge retard for all of his antics and accidents and setbacks. But I'll be more than happy if they can get 10+ wins out of him this year.

And as Bernie goes, we may gasp at a minor league contract, but it may be the only way to keep him in pinstripes. Look at it this way - he'll be emergency call-up relief, he'll be a mentor and coach to the youth of the Yankees, and he'll be available once our roster goes 40-man.

If the Yanks are hell-bent on this retarded 1st base platoon, then a minor-league deal is the only way I can see us keeping Bernie.
