Originally posted by Turnbull:
Fredo would have done it again, and he would have done it intentionally. The depth of resentment, envy, jealousy--the sheer venom--of his outburst in the boathouse makes me think that he'd never be satisfied until his brother was eliminated.
Ahhhh my friend. This is one of those rare times that I must disagree with you. Yes, Fredo was mad at Mike for treating him like the kid brother. No doubt that there was resentment and jealousy on Fredo's part.

But with all that I do not believe that Fredo knew that Roth and Ola were using him as part of a plot to kill Michael.

And I still don't believe, for one moment that Fredo intentionally set up Mike for a hit or would have intentionally set him up for one in the future.

Fredo was easliy mislead, He was weak and stupid. He was killed because he was stupid enough to believe that he could help with the negotiations and that there was something in it for him. I will never believe that Fredo knowingly set his own brother up for the kill.

Unlike Michael, Fredo had a heart.

Originally posted by AppleOnYa:

Michael was definitely justified in having Fredo killed...and I don't believe it was for revenge. It was to have him punished for what he did, and mainly to prevent it from happening again.
After all, their blood relation sure didn't prevent Fredo from conspiring behind Michael's back. So why should it prevent Michael from bestowing on Fredo the usual fate of a traitor?
I don't know about it being just that Michael had his own brother, a simple minded one, killed for making a stupid mistake. Yes a terrible mistake that could have cost Michael his own life, his wife's life or the lives of his children. That's a hard one to swallow if you are in Michael's shoes.

But at the same time Michael knew better, Fredo didn't.

The only reason that Michael had Fredo killed was to assure himself and those around him that he was the almighty powerful Don who would not forgive or show any sign of weekness. It was to show the Roccos and the Neris that he was not one to ever be screwed with.

"Look what I did to my own brother. If I had my own brother killed for betraying me, then you guys are nothing to me, and I'll have you killed twice as fast if you ever try to screw me."

It was Michael's way of showing all those under him how ruthless he was. It was a message to them all.

He killed his own brother. A weak brother. A brother that he was obviously supposed to watch over and take care of. He killed his mother's son. He killed his father's son. What a cold hearted bastard!

Don Cardi cool

Don Cardi cool

Five - ten years from now, they're gonna wish there was American Cosa Nostra. Five - ten years from now, they're gonna miss John Gotti.