Originally posted by Cristina's Way:
... Why do think he was sent to Las Vegas to learn the Casino business in the first place? ...
To get some rest after suffering a nervous breakdown as a result of allowing his father to be shot down in the street.

Originally posted by Cristina's Way:
...Who was really the danger to Michael here? Fredo, for trying to smooth things out in a hotel room so his boss wouldn't slap him too hard the next day? Or Michael, who tried to usurp the riches of a powerful criminal like Roth? I'd say Michael.
Michael was acting Head of the Family by this time. Dispute if you like his plans and methods in dealing with Moe Green. Nevertheless, he was running the family, making the plans and Fredo was out of line to usurp his authority in that room, at that moment, by suggesting his father be contacted.

Therefore, Fredo was the more dangerous of the two.


A wise and frugal government, which shall leave men free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned - this is the sum of good government.