Now here's a topic where we have over 100 posts, and only 11 persons voted. Come on, people! Get out and vote wink .

Also, one of you (who may or may not be reading this) made a mistake on your vote. If you answered "No" to Question 1, then you are supposed to answer "No" (the first choice) to Question 2.

You answered "No" to Question 1 (Fredo wouldn't betray Michael again, neither on purpose nor by accident). But when you got to Question 2, instead of picking the first response (I voted "No" to Question 1), you voted on your opinion as to How Fredo would betray Michael again. Doesn't make sense if you originally voted that he wouldn't betray Michael again at all.

So moderators, can you help me out here? If someone wants to change his/her vote, is it possible that you can take out that person's original vote, thus allowing him/her to vote again (only correctly this time)? Of course, I assume that the person would have to PM you first and let you know.

And I can't believe that half the people think Fredo would do it again! When the moderator posts back on how (or if) you can change your vote, I hope you all will take advantage of those instructions and vote the right way instead lol grin .