Originally posted by Don Cardi:
Originally posted by Luciano Fanucci:
[b] Well, the last time I seen him in GF1, he was led away from Tom by Willi Cicci and several other Corleone soldiers.
Ok, then taking that scene where he is lead by Cicci, the dialogue exchanged in that scene, and what Michael tells Tom at his father's funeral, you should be able to figure out that Tessio was not allowed to go off on his merry way and start his own family. Right?
Remember what Michael said : " "Today I settle all family business!"
Don Cardi
[/b]Um, yeah, and then there was that line to Hagen about seeing if Michael would let him off the hook for old time's sake, to which Tom Replied no as Cicci was removing Tessio's gun.
Of Course Clemenza did form his own family which went to Frankie Five Angels, but as we learned during that champagne cocktail scene, they kept the name "Corleone"