My opinion could not possibly be more objective, because I am a Met fan.

The Yankees would be insane not to give Mariano the money that he deserves. They fleeced him on his last contract and all he's gone on to do is become the greatest reliever, bar none, in the history of baseball.

If you want to make the argument that Cashman is just being a businessman it just doesn't cut it. Where were his business smarts when he was giving away the store to guys that aren't even half as deserving as Rivera is.

If Steinbrenner was still in charge of the day to day operations, would we even be having this conversation ?

Cashman has proven himself to be of the top tier GM's in ALL of sports, I hope he doesn't blemish his near perfect record with one bone headed decision.

Show him the money, Brian.

"I got news for you. If it wasn't for the toilet, there would be no books." --- George Costanza.