THIRTEEN DAYS is a really darn good movie.
THIRTEEN DAYS (2000) - ****
Funny enough, Peter Sellers played himself as an Adlai Stevenson-esque President in DR. STRANGELOVE. "Now Dimitri, don't get hot under the collar..."

Anyway, George McGovern got his ass busted in 1972 because the Democrats were still dysfunctional as hell after the breakdown of the New Deal-party machine in 1968. Worse, McGovern made the unwise move of trusting his campaign hopes on the youth vote. Nevermind that whole Vice-President embarrasment when Eagleton turned out to be a sucker for electric shock. Yikes.
Thing is, I always wondered how better his electoral chances would have been if the election against Nixon had been held in 1973 or 1974, after it became clearer and more obvious of Tricky Dick's involvement in Watergate.