Well this trip is going to cost more than I had planned on so I might as well make it more fun.
Originally Posted By: Mignon
Keep in mind that I don't have a moneytree in my back yard.
Mig, that's twice in this topic that you've made a reference to the cost of going away for this weekend. I think that over the past couple of years we've always been considerate in trying to choose a place to stay and to eat that works for the majority involved. We've never popped any unexpected surprises on each other and have gone into these weekends knowing the costs before hand. We've always made decisions based on what the majority who are attending decided on. Last year we even made sure, at La Veranda for instance, that EVERYONE there was in agreement on how we were going to order as EVERYONE there knew what the cost of the spread would be BEFORE hand. And EVERYONE there agreed. What makes you think that this year is going to be any different? No one is looking to or is going to hurt anyone else here. We're all friends here and I think that we've proven, at the past two gangsterbb weekends, that we all look out for one another
Outside of the driving that you have to do, everyone is basically going to have the same expenses and the same costs. So I don't understand why you say that this is going to cost YOU more than you planned. What makes this any different than the past two years?
Don Cardi
Don Cardi
Five - ten years from now, they're gonna wish there was American Cosa Nostra. Five - ten years from now, they're gonna miss John Gotti.