I was going to start a new topic, but figured it actually sorta fit in better w/this one already. I just wanted to mention any funny references to the GF on TV or other movies, etc, and see if anyone else knew of some..? Two that I can think of right now are: (sorry if these aren't quoted right, I just tried to get the general idea)

1) You've Got Mail- Tom Hanks who plays Meg Ryan's internet love interest tells her something about how you can learn a lot from the GF, and begins to quote different parts, such as the famous cannoli one, the Appolonia mun-dah, tues-dah, thus-duh...etc., going to the mattresses, and more...if I remember right, I think he even reads it aloud in a sorta Brando style! I just thought that was a great part of that movie, considering my love for both Tom Hanks, and of course, the GF!

2) I remember an episode of Seinfeld in which Jerry was talking about Newman...saying something about how he lives right near his home, or something...sorry, I have a terrible memory...but he goes on to make Michael's "In My Home!!" quote, only to change "where my children come to play with their toys," to "where I come..." lol

Anyways, just thought I'd share those, since they're laughs associated w/the GF! grin