I'm so glad to see so many others interested in Connie's character. Her transformation through to GFIII was stunning. And I too have wondered about what she knew about Fredo's death and how she really felt about Michael.

I think I'm satisfied with believing that she did know about how Fredo died. I do think she was afraid of Michael and she did love him truly. But I also think she knew the best way for her to live a comfortable life was to stay loyal to Michael.

As a mafia princess, what choices did she really have? She wouldn't have gone to school and didn't. She had no skills - except for survival skills. And she was totally dependent on the men around her. For most of her life, she was probably satisfied to be a wife, raise children, and not ask questions about the family business. It's too bad that she had the misfortune of marrying someone who did not remain loyal to the family. This was especially disappointing seeing as how Don Vito wanted to protect his daughter (as Michael eventually wanted to protect his) by keeing her husband clear of the business.

But by GFIII, she had learned to use her feminine and non-threatening wiles to become a pretty effective right hand of Michael. She involved herself in business matters. And even though Michael didn't always agree with her, he seemed to like this. She definitely knew her place. But she pushed and encouraged Vincent. And she killed a man that had cottled her for her entire life - Don Altobello. She, indeed, would've done anything for Michael. Even though she definitely loved the two men close to her that Michael had killed.