Turnbull...I can assure you that I know you are a good man wink and my remarks were not directed towards yourself. I know I'm bringing up those two old boring questions; but all of your remarks have made me think and I am even more confident that I know the answers to those two questions. 1. Who killed the Tahoe shooters? Rocco. 2. Did Fredo know it was going to be a hit? yes. Fredo knowing is for another thread. I'm NOT going to keep repeating myself and restating my arguments again and again. This thread is about Rocco, so be fair and DON'T jump around. Don't keep asking me the same things again and again.

Turnbull, I notice that you believe that FFC was a real stickler for details. I agree 100%. I am wondering why he wouldn't know that we would be wondering about those 2 questions and the answers...man, that really would be a hugely flawed movie, if he didn't give us some clues to solve those 2 questions.

Don Tomasso...I never said Rocco "masterminded" the hit. I said he planned and carried out the details of hit night. Someone had to. Of course, Roth was the mastermind; but Roth certainly would not have known all the details and have control over the scene of the crime. Those things can't be planned for...there are a lot of variables and possibilities of things that could happen to change your plans...so someone on the scene who could look for the right opportunity to hit Michael would be essential. That opportunity arose when Kay went to sleep and Michael came to bed a little later. Rocco would know those things. He would have the answer to the question, "What are you doing in here?" BTW bodyguards do go anywhere and everywhere with the ready excuse of..."for your protection, Boss."

I've already stated that Fredo would not have been capable of carrying out the murders of the hitmen. He also would not have had control of the scene.

"...and I said to myself, 'THIS is the business we've chosen.'"