PLAW, your scenario is:

All 4 hitmen were hiding in the woods. Two of them killed the other 2 and carried the dead bodies to the ditch and left them there.

My comments:

FCC spent 3 weeks at the Tahoe filming site scoping it out.
Tahoe is NOT thickly forested. It's sparse with NO bushes, tall grass, etc. The pine branches are high off the ground. Tahoe woods are not easy to hide in.

Michael's compound is completely walled with a very high stone wall that goes down to the waterline.. There are 24- hour guards and guard dogs and Michael's boat with Rocco's men patrolling the shoreline.

1. What did your 2 live hitmen and 2 dead bodies hide behind in the woods?

2. How did your shooters get those dead bodies to the drainage ditch? Did they drag them over the wall? Or did they swim with them to the drainage pipe...all this with Rocco's men patrolling the shore with Michael's boat? BTW Lake Tahoe is cold...50-degree water. Sounds travel a long way over water especially at night.

Your scenario:

Then they opened fire and escaped through the pipe in the ditch that led to the lake where a boat was waiting for them.

3. Before they were able to fire at Michael, your shooters had placed the dead bodies in the ditch and just waited around for Kay to go to bed, Fredo to open the drapes, and Fredo to signal them that Michael is going into his bedroom. They might have had to wait for a long time or they might have gotten lucky, who knows? So they waited around without being detected by Rocco's men, right?

4. So the boat just sat there waiting for the shooters who were waiting for Michael to go to bed...waiting for the shooters to take their shot at Michael...waiting for the shooters to make their getaway...all while not being detected by Rocco's patrol guard and Rocco's guards and dogs?

Your scenario:

When Rocco and his men found the dead guys in the ditch, they stopped looking for anyone else.

1. If Rocco and a couple of his men did not kill those 2 hitmen...why would they STOP the search? Wouldn't they figure that there were a couple of killers that killed and deposited those 2 dead bodies in the ditch?

I'll give my scenario for this part after you answer my questions.

"...and I said to myself, 'THIS is the business we've chosen.'"