Originally Posted By: J Geoff

Yeah, I don't understand what limiting RP innings is good for either... How can you "manipulate" anything if you can only have a certain # of RPs in your lineup at any given time?

Please see my reply above to JL. I'm not proposing to limit the innings pitched by relief pitchers. I'm proposing to limit the innings pitched by the entire staff. This limit should be reasonable (i.e. it should mirror the number of innings pitched by MLB teams for an entire season).

Here's the manipulation: Assume we have no limits on pitching. Someone could theoretically go through waivers each and everyday to make sure that all their SP and RP spots filled, because we are in a points league and even a 1 point outing is better than 0 points.

Agreed that we want to prevent this?

The answer is either limiting the number of games started or the number of innings pitched. The Games Started limit solves the problem for starting pitchers but it does nothing for the person who wants to fill their RP spots everyday.

If we go with an innings pitched limit, we prevent it for both SPs and RPs.

I agree that neither way is perfect, but in my opinion, one is better than the other.