To answer DMC, picking up and dropping relief pitchers isn't going to help. You can only use limited amount per day anyway. Considering teams play almost everyday and there's no guarantee that a relief pitcher is going to pitch anyway, picking up waiver wire relievers everyday at the end of the season isn't going to get you anywhere.
As for the limit on innings, there is no possible way to know how many innings your starters are going to pitch. Correct me if I'm wrong, but counting relief innings pitched is going to punish people with excellent starters. If you have great starting pitchers that make it past the 7th inning in most of their starts, your relief pitchers are going to be an almost non-factor by the end of the season. People with mediocre starting pitching are going to be rewarded with extra innings for their relievers. I guess neither way is perfect. As long as it's decided before the draft so we can draft accordingly.