Spring training is fun to watch, but its really meaningless. Igawa has control issues, Matsuzaka is striking out college kids...I mean, none of this is going to matter until they get out there and face the regular nine guys who make up the big-league roster.

Anyways, glad to see Pettitte duck that flying bat shard tonight, got scared. What the fuck is up with Roger Clemens? I believe 100% now he's coming back to the Yankees. He was schmoozing with Torre and the media before the game, claiming he wanted to see Andy pitch, and then said he'll decide by May if he's going to go or not. Bah. I don't care. Just make up your mind. At least if Clemens comes back, we can deal Pavano for a power hitting first-baseman (a nice package with some of the minor league pitchers for Texiera? Anyone else salivating?)