While driving earlier this morning, a local radio personality I won't name kept trying to convince his listeners that by decoding the Bible, he's got proof that we are on the verge of the apocalypse, the end of the world...

Of course, living in the Bible Belt region of East Tennessee, this occurs quite regularly to the point that I wonder if some folks want the ultimate climax here and now.

Which gave me an idea: Lets talk, review, debate, and discuss movies that are about the apocalypse...and its deadly aftermath.

Of course, this could range from religious-oriented flicks to all the Cold War-era movies where after the missiles went flying, we all would have to fight each other in the desert over a lizard snack. Yummy.

Action, drama, sci-fi(duh), you name it...lets all have fun if the end is indeed near. If not, then it gives me an excuse to write some boring* mini-reviews on this theme.

*=DMC and DC approved!