A BOY AND HIS DOG (1975) - ***

Apocalypse Gimmick: The Aftermath
Claim to Fame: (1) Best buddy-road trip movie set after armaggeddon. (2) Early Don Johnson acting work, before MIAMI VICE and before losing his wife to Antonio Banderas.

The Plot: Vic is a young man that travels in a post-nuclear war world with his sidekick: a telepathic dog that is much smarter than he is. They fight and quarrel as they scrounge for food and sex. Things change when they come upon an isolated settlement underground that wants Vic...

Based on sci-fi literary legend Harlan Ellison's novella, its a very nice B-movie with refreshing comedy in a sub-genre that is occupied with way way too much Z-grade action and sci-fi/horror fare.

The problem with the movie is that its too short. At 90 minutes, the protagonist is rushed into the crazy 1950s Americana rebuilt underground in a bunker and into an attempted sub-plot about the residents of this settlement revolting.

Still, the twist ending is a good laugh and shock.