Apocalypse Gimmick: (1)The Aftermath (2)Mutants
Claim to Fame: (1) WWF legend "Rowdy" Roddy Piper's action-vehicle released in the same year of his cult-classic THEY LIVE (2) Best apoticlyptical movie involving mutant frogs and sperm!

The Plot: Sam Hell(Piper) is a murdering bankrobbing convict that is getting the death penalty...until the government finds out that he is one of the very few men left that wasn't made sterile by the nuclear war. Made as a stud-agent for the government, his job is to procreate in the wasteland territories.

The problem? He is sent on a mission to rescue fertile women held captive by mutant frog terrorists who demand a nice ransom from their fortress located within their reservation lands.

The ReviewBeing a product of Roger Corman's New World Pictures B-movie Hollywood factory, you know what to expect: Violence, sex, monsters, tits, and one very cheap movie.

Using all these Corman requirements, at the consequence of pacing and plot, HELL COMES TO FROGTOWN is at best a passalbe B-action movie that should be viewed as a crazy and silly "bad" movie in the best fratboy/high school juvenile sort of alcohol-influenced viewing.

You get poor Piper strapped to his crotch with an electronic device that basically allows government superior Sandra Bergman(the warrior chick from CONAN THE BARBARIAN) to make him do as she wishes. Like Don Johnson in A BOY & HIS DOG, being a stud isn't as fun as it sounds...but its slightly funny.

Perhaps the most memorable, err infamous, sequence in the movie is when Bergman's dancing makes the mutant frog warlord utter "You have aroused the three snakes!" I've thought about saying that to a girl one of these days, just to see the reaction...