Well, speaking of quitting smoking "cold turkey," let me post a true tale of why I quit (cold turkey), and why it was funny:

I used to smoke a pipe--three bowls of tobacco a day total (on and off during the day). I was pretty content with that amount, in fact I usually didn't finish all three bowls. Then I decided to cut back to 1.5 bowls a day. Uh-oh! I was over my "threshold of craving." Addict behavior set in/ I'd leave conferences every 10 or 15 minutes to get a drag or two on my pipe, open windows and smoke out the window--crazy addict stuff.

One day I was in a conference room at one of my employer's big complexes. I ran out of the room to light up. I didn't notice that I lit up right under a smoke detector. BLAM-BLAM-BLAM!! The alarms went off in all three buildings, and in five minutes, four thousand employees were out on the street, awaiting the disposition of this "emergency." Meanwhile, I'm outside with the rest, trying to conceal the pipe in my pocket. When we were allowed inside (after 25 minutes), two maintenance men were on a ladder outside the door to our conference room. One of them was muttering, "Musta been someone smokin' a cigarette here..."
That's when I decided to quit.

Ntra la porta tua lu sangu � sparsu,
E nun me mporta si ce muoru accisu...
E s'iddu muoru e vaju mparadisu
Si nun ce truovo a ttia, mancu ce trasu.