Originally posted by Turnbull:
[QUOTE]...... why didn’t Michael know about Frankie’s survival? Michael ran his New York operation by proxy through Frankie. Contacts with the police would be through Frankie, not Michael. In fact, since Michael was obsessed with being “respectable,” it’d be in his interest not to have direct contacts with the NYC police—let Frankie do it. So, the NYC cops might not even have known that Michael was Frankie’s boss; or maybe the cops who grabbed Frankie and kept his survival secret weren’t those whom Frankie paid off. ...
Tom specifically refers to 'Our people with the New York detectives ...' This would imply that
somebody in that precinct would have the ability and desire to get word to Michael through one of the 'buffers' that Frankie had been taken in after the attempted murder, which for a while Michael thought had been successful.
If they did not, then they would probably not remain 'Our people with the New York detectives...' for too much longer after Michael found out the truth.
Let's face it, it's another one of those 'holes' that fortunately doesn't affect the overall story.