Two points here on two different issues that were mentioned in this topic.
Sin Tax - What a bullshit saying. And I love how these politicians and advocates of these taxes always claim that they are proposing these taxes in the hopes of getting people to quit smoking because it is not good for their health. Bullshit! Yes, it's not good for your health, but these hypocrite bastard politicians that claim that they are doing this out of concern for the publics health are lying through thier teeth. If our representatives are soooo concerned about our health, then they sould outlaw smoking period. Oh, what am I thinking. If they did that then they wouldn't be able to get all that money from the tobacco companies dontated to their political parties.
Hypocrites I tell ya!

Gambling Tax - I refuse to go to a Casino that is on an indian reservation. The Casinos on those reservations can make all the money in the world and not have to pay a cent in taxes on it because they are running it on their reservation. Yet if I hit a jackpot or win a lot of money playing in one of their casinos, I have to fill out paperwork for the IRS and pay taxes on the money that I won in their tax exempt casino. That's bullshit.
Now to add insult to injury regarding these counties in New York State pushing for a $2.00 per pack sin tax....Our mayor has reccommended to our governor that a .50 cent per pack additional tax be added to the purchase of every pack of cigarettes.
All they are really doing is to create a black market of sorts for cigarettes. They have created the bootlegging of cigarettes.