No Calfing Matter; Bernie Is Not An Option

Source: New York Post


April 5, 2007 -- The cramps Johnny Damon suffered on Monday have turned into something more serious - something that might require an MRI.

Damon was missing from the lineup with a strained right calf even before yesterday afternoon's game with Tampa Bay was rained out. So with only one game in the books, the Yankees already are battling the injury bug.

Melky Cabrera was slated to start in center and Robinson Cano was listed as the leadoff hitter, so the Yankees wouldn't have suffered too badly in the outfield or lineup. Still, the injury is a concern for someone who never has been on the DL in his career.

"It hurts like hell," Damon said when reporters greeted him.

Although Damon hoped he wouldn't miss more than one game, he couldn't give a timetable. He also speculated an MRI tube could be in his future.

"If it doesn't get better overnight, I'm sure that's a good possibility," he said.

After coming in for treatment Tuesday, Damon met with team physician Stuart Hershon yesterday. Hershon declined to send the outfielder to the hospital and told GM Brian Cashman that no tests are planned, but the doctor wants to see how Damon feels today. The DL isn't a consideration at this point, though.

"I'm not saying it's not possible," Cashman said. "It's not something that's being recommended right now.

"Could it be as early as tomorrow? It could be. It could be something that doesn't get recommended at all. I can't rule any of that stuff out."

Cashman did rule out any move involving Bernie Williams, who hopes to play again and is working out on his own. When asked if it opens the door for Williams, Cashman said, "No." If another outfielder goes down before Damon can return, Miguel Cairo is the next backup outfielder.

Cairo, now in his 12th season, has played only 62 games in the outfield.

"What led into the decision-making process that we made this winter is knowing that Cairo can go into the outfield," Cashman said. "If there's a disabled-list situation, then you go get an outfielder from [the minors]."

On Opening Day, Damon was removed for what he thought were cramps in both legs. He said the legs were fine on Tuesday when he came in for treatment, but Joe Torre said Damon was "pretty sore."

"I came [Tuesday] and might've stretched it a little too much," Damon said.

Damon spoke with reporters twice yesterday, before and after he received the initial treatment. When he returned to his locker in the late morning, his right calf was bandaged tightly.

"I can barely walk, so [I'll] try to get moving . . . somehow," he said. "It felt like cramps the other day, but it's definitely much worse than that."

Damon has played in at least 145 games in the last 11 seasons, so he will try to gut it out when he can. When that is, nobody knows at the moment.


The Yankees announced that fans holding paid tickets for yesterday's rainout may use them for the rescheduled game between the Yankees and Devil Rays when the date is announced, or may exchange them for any regular-season game at Yankee Stadium within 12 months (subject to availability).