I always knew you were a bigot, fathersson. ;-)

Sharpton and Jackson don't need anyone's condemnation...they do that well enough on their own. All I'm saying is you people harpin' on "hurt feelings" obviously haven't been through anything really harsh in life. Trust me, there are far worse things which would make someone calling you a "bad name" seem like a picnic with strippers. Jeez, I wish I had a crayon to write with...

And clearly there's the ol' double standard....AGAIN. If I don't approve of certain programming on TV, I'm told to not make a fuss and try to censor the networks, but rather just change the channel. Fine. Then don't get up in arms over Imus or similar idiots. Just change the channel, don't buy their stuff, etc., etc. That's what folks did with the Dixie Chicks incident and those boycotters were still ostracized for doing so! Talk about damned if you do and damned if you don't...It must be a real talent to be able to talk out of both sides of the mouth.

Hurt feelings...sheesh. I wish all I'd ever had to deal with in life was hurt feelings...

Last edited by Snake; 04/10/07 05:06 PM.

"Vaya con Dios, Castle. Go with God."
"God's going to sit this one out." The Punisher (2004)