Originally Posted By: Saladbar
 Originally Posted By: fathersson

Yes, Yes Yes.....now here is something I can stand up and cheer about!

I get a little uneasy when you agree with me fatherson. Maybe I have to sit and think about this issue some more! ;\)

Here is a few more things to think about:
We now know that they are making a big thing out of Imus because they get news coverage, which they don't get if they criticize Rap stars or black comedians.

Also that the Players have already been programed with large planned out statements. If may have noticed this on the Today show when the coach prodded her player which then let into a long spiel.

The Black Caucus has called all Imus's sponsors and put pressure to pull their adds or face major boycotts from the black community. Those fueling the fire.

So all this is really a campaign to bring this issue once again to the people. Now who is getting hurt besides Imus and the people who work on his show? Well, if things weren't blown out of proportion almost no one would have even given Imus's words the time of day, which is what happens every day of the week. Now these ladies will be known for the Imus issue and very little else.

This issue has gone way over board. Everyone knows that what Imus said was foolish but what else is new. They call them shock jocks for a reason. Do what we all do now, Don't turn Imus on your radio. We all know he is even crappy as a shock jock.

One local BLACK MINISTER told our local reporters that if every person who used these terms or said such foolish things lost their jobs then the black and Hispanic community here would all be out of work. Showing a true double standard in the country.

Last edited by fathersson; 04/11/07 09:36 AM.

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CAUTION: This Post has not been approved by Don Cardi.

You really don't expect people to believe your shit do you?

Read: "The Daily Apple"- Telling America and the Gangster BB like it really is!