Originally Posted By: Saladbar
But really, this guy has been doing bigotry for years and no one has really cared! There is a loyal audience that buys into everything he says. There is a larger issue to this Imus thing.

Ergo, either we should have censorship across the cultural-ethnic-political-social board and shut people like him up, or everyone else should shutup and forget about it. And why is it when certain folks say something equally as "offensive" (which is subjective anyway) as what Imus said and there's an outcry, everyone casting stones is told to "forgive-and-forget" and "judge not," blah-blah-blah...? There's one thing I find more outrageous than anything any single moron can verbally SAY: the glaring contradictory standards and values in this screwed-up world. Imus did everything but set himself on fire and STILL there are those who wanna keep the racial fires burnin' (one who proclaims himself a "reverend"....yeah, right!).

I don't know what the "larger issue" is, SB, unless it's some vast, right-wing, white media conspiracy thing, which some apparently believe in. ;\)

Last edited by Snake; 04/11/07 02:10 PM.

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