This should have probably gone in the Godfather Returns forum, but oh well.

I look at these novels as fan fiction and nothing else. No chance I am going to correct anyone and say that Fredo was really gay or that Kay never really had an abortion.

What Winegardner should have done was fill in the gaps in the films. Like explain the story behind Frankie proclaiming "that was no heart attack!" and what happened to Sonny's real kids... but make it interesting!

I'm not exactly sure what the Revenge is going to be about, but I hope he is able to expand or correct a lot of the mistakes he made in the first book (like have Kay reveal that she DID have an abortion) and show us what happens to the Corleone family after Part III.

I'll read it, but my hopes are low and it'll be a fun book to read when there's nothing on TV.