Congrats to Mark Buehrle on his no-hitter! I sure wish I could've caught some of it, or known during the game what was going on. But wow, I don't care what team, what player, it makes me so happy when something like this happens. It's just good baseball. \:\)

Also, another incredible come-from-behind win for the Astros against the Reds!

SB! You should delurk more often! Or...join in on the game, like we've been asking you to do. ;\)

Kly, you're a good sport. The testosterone kick-in might come sooner than you're predicting - I can only stay this lucky for so long. I've never been good on offense, and pitching hasn't been going so well as of late. I even picked Ensberg, one of my own guys, on a night he wasn't playing. I don't know if that's part of a pattern I didn't catch, or if it's just Garner always trying new schemes, but that should be a mistake I could avoid. Well, one thing's's a looong season.

Bethie, when the real men take over our spots as was always intended, we can just hide behind a nice Sandlot excuse - "I play (fantasy) ball like a girl!" Hmm. That's probably more of an insult than an excuse, isn't it? Maybe that's what they'll be telling us.

Geoff! \:\) How did you manage to jinx yourself and three people below you?? Maybe all your good luck/charm/karma is being directed toward A-Rod, so there's no room for fantasy. \:p