Congrats to Mark Buehrle on his no-hitter! I sure wish I could've caught some of it, or known during the game what was going on. But wow, I don't care what team, what player, it makes me so happy when something like this happens. It's just good baseball.
Also, another incredible come-from-behind win for the Astros against the Reds!
SB! You should delurk more often! Or...join in on the game, like we've been asking you to do.
Kly, you're a good sport. The testosterone kick-in might come sooner than you're predicting - I can only stay this lucky for so long. I've never been good on offense, and pitching hasn't been going so well as of late. I even picked Ensberg, one of my own guys, on a night he wasn't playing. I don't know if that's part of a pattern I didn't catch, or if it's just Garner always trying new schemes, but that should be a mistake I could avoid. Well, one thing's's a looong season.
Bethie, when the real men take over our spots as was always intended, we can just hide behind a nice Sandlot excuse - "I play (fantasy) ball like a girl!" Hmm. That's probably more of an insult than an excuse, isn't it? Maybe that's what they'll be telling us.
Geoff! How did you manage to jinx yourself and three people below you?? Maybe all your good luck/charm/karma is being directed toward A-Rod, so there's no room for fantasy.