Another one bits the dust

Karstens fractures right fibula

NEW YORK -- Yankees right-hander Jeff Karstens suffered a fractured right fibula on his first pitch Saturday, as he was struck by a line drive that forced him to exit the game.

Karstens, a 24-year-old rookie, was making his second start of the season for New York after missing the Opening Day roster due to right elbow tendinitis. His first pitch was a fastball to Red Sox leadoff hitter Julio Lugo, who ripped a line drive off the hurler's right leg, sending Karstens into a pained crumple on the mound.

"You start the season on the DL, and come back, they give you another shot to pitch, and the first pitch of the game the guy hits a line drive off my leg," Karstens said. "It's a long season though, so I've got to come back and come back strong."

New York's medical staff immediately attended to Karstens, who said that the injury hurt but insisted that he could remain in the game. Karstens threw several warmup pitches and faced one more batter, Kevin Youkilis, throwing five pitches before the Boston first baseman reached Karstens for a single to left field.

Citing concerns that Karstens would favor his right leg and alter his pitching motion, the Yankees removed him from the game in favor of left-hander Kei Igawa, who was made available for long relief efforts in this series after a poor outing on Monday against the Rays.

Karstens underwent X-rays at Yankee Stadium, which revealed the fracture, and was later taken for additional X-rays and a CT scan at Columbia Presbyterian Hospital in New York before returning to Yankee stadium sporting a soft foam cast.

Team physician Dr. Stuart Hershon said that Karstens should expect to be capable of pitching again this season, though both Hershon and general manager Brian Cashman declined to give a timeframe.

The Yankees will place Karstens on the 15-day disabled list, but as of Saturday evening, Cashman said the organization was still discussing which Minor League pitcher would be promoted to New York.

Source: Yankees