First off, Klydon, our resident Phillies fan, is completely right about Abreu. Be glad that he is gone after this year.


George's statement today probably doesn't mean much. You can't blame Torre for the injuries (fire the fucking "performance enhancement director"), but I am tired of seeing Scott Proctor, who has a horrible record against Boston, pushed in again. Ugh.

Torre does not know how to manage a bullpen, and it is a bit telling when Buddy Groom said so after departing a couple of years ago. Torre rode Quantrill, Villone, and now Proctor, and may end his career too. Grr.


I don't want Don Mattingly as the coach.


Because he's from the Joe Torre school. We need a manager with fire, at least for the forseable future. One thing this team has lacked is passion over the past few years, and I think Girardi could light a fire under his guys better than Torre.

That's probably because he comes from the Don Zimmer school of thought, which may hurt his chances of becoming manager - Steinbrenner dislikes Zim, and by proxy, probably would favor Mattingly over Girardi for the nod.


Johnny Damon is seeing a chiropractor. Okay. Now, he has to fly down to Florida to see this guy. Now, to paraphrase Mike Francesca (profanity is mine)...This chiropractor isn't fucking Jonas Salk...bring this fucking asshole to the Four Seasons before the Red Sox series, have him fix Damon up, and give me a fucking break.