Originally Posted By: fathersson
You listened to all that hipe about Dice-K and you made him an instant enemy. He pitches and you want to shoot holes and glout about what he has done. He pitches against one of the greatest batting orders in the country and you just wanted to take pot shots at him, face it your hate clouds your judgement. No one said he was the greatest pitcher of the year. He faced Yankees and came out with a win, live with it.

True he's not the greatest pitcher of the year but he's not worth the $126 million boston paid him against the Yankees either. AGAIN, the Yanks would have won both games if they had pitching (Dice-K wasn't a factor, yet you still give him credit).

 Originally Posted By: fathersson
Now Hughes pitched a great game, true BUT look at the lineup he was faced with, come on you have to discount it a bit in my book. Hughes will not be the savor of the Yankees year. I have watch him pitch here in Syracuse with the Chiefs and if he faces a line up like the Yankees have, then he will be just another arm.

Again, don't discount his performance because of Texas. Texas has some hitters and again, it was only his 2nd start of his major league career at the tender age of 20. Cut the kid some slack!

 Originally Posted By: fathersson
So yes you can have it both ways, if you keep it on a level playing field and are honest about it.

No you can have it both ways if you have double standards which is obviously the case. Whatever though, you can continue to discount Hughes and I'll continue to discount Dice-K.