Originally Posted By: Sicilian Babe
Meh. I'm not so thrilled. Another aging, big name at the end of his career. Typical Yankees. I don't think he can regularly give them 6 or 7 innings, and that's what they need. And after screwing them when he left for Houston, I don't think he deserves to be back in pinstripes.

But that's just me. And it's personal.

I hate Roger Clemens' guts as well for what happened after 2003, but SB, this can only help the Yankees. Clemens can go deep into games, and knows how to pitch (effectively) in the AL East. He was the best free agent pitcher available this year, far and away the only sure-fire guarantee in the bunch (the next best was Zito and then Schmidt, neither who look too hot right now).

Give me an aging Roger Clemens right now over any of the other guys signed as an FA. His contract is prorated - so he isn't getting a Randy Johnson style deal. It's for one year - he's a rental to get them through October with a championship.

Again, I think personal feelings need to be put aside. This isn't "typical Yankees" because this isn't a typical situation. We've had to start ten different players this year because of injuries. No starter has been injury free except Igawa (jinx...please no). Clemens brings stability and clubhouse chemistry, something we are in desperate need of.

Furthermore - now he can be a mentor to guys like Phil Hughes and Tyler Clippard, which is merely a bonus.


I was ecstatic when I heard the news today. I'm not expecting Clemens to be a savior - all I want is a starter who knows how to get guys out. Good lock Lodger Cremens!


Abreu looks to be back. Hooray. Let's keep it up.


Darrell Rasner did a great job today, let's hope he can stay healthy.