12 Angry Men ****
Though I am seeing it for the first time, I knew the exact scenes beforehand. I recently saw the indian remake of this movie, which was basically a scene by scene copy of this. I loved it when I watched that version and was hoping that the original version would be even better. In a way I appreciate it because the copy did not dilute the strength of the original in anyway, except the basic blunder that I haven't heard of jury(public) deciding a case in India. Ok with all that off-topic comments in place, let me tell my thoughts about this movie.
I found it great that the whole movie was made in one room and it did not make it even a bit boring. This is a movie that relies solely upon the dialogues and acting, very little in terms of visual appeal. I liked the character of Henry Fonda especially because I relate to that kind of thinking, giving room for doubt. When I watched the movie, I was reminded of several board members who shall remain unnamed ( \:D )- the way each member of the jury argued.