Originally posted by olivant:
... so isn't he confessing that it was he who opened the drapes?
All he's 'confessing' to is conspiring with Johnny Ola and Hyman Roth AGAINST his brother.

He never explains exactly what he did to help, and apparently Michael doesn't have a need to find out.

That aside...if he didn't know it was going to be 'a hit' then what possible reason would they have for requiring him to open the bedroom drapes?

Could they have said to him...don't ask why, don't worry about what we're gonna do...don't go thinking it's a hit just because you will in effect be leaving your brother out in open view you silly guy...just open the drapes. Trust me, that'd be a BIG help and there will be something in it for you afterwards.

Whatever Fredo did, it was not open the drapes.


A wise and frugal government, which shall leave men free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned - this is the sum of good government.