I guess this isn't really a new topic, but I'm currently reading CRAZIES TO THE LEFT OF ME, WIMPS TO THE RIGHT OF ME, by Bernard Goldberg. I found his take on airport security very interesting.

Here it is:

On Ethnic Profiling at our Airports.

Yes, I'm for it.

I spend too much time at airports and when I see 85 year old grandmas getting the once over by security guys...I'm thinking: This is insane.

Why should a grandmother from Dubuque get the same scrutiny as a 20 year old male from Saudi Arabia? The guys who are trying to kill us fit a profile. They're young...Arab...men.

I know the argument: If we profile them they'll hand the bomb off to a blonde from Sweden. I'll worry about that some other time.

Profiling is a small price to pay for living in a free country during a time of crisis.

Yet the crazies on the Left are firmly against it...and the wimps on the Right won't implement policies that make profiling routine.

Because once again...everyone is afraid of being called a bigot.

This kind of political correctness could get us killed.

I was drawn to the title of this book because I'm left of center on some issues and right of center on others. I firmly believe that both extremes are nuts.


"I got news for you. If it wasn't for the toilet, there would be no books." --- George Costanza.