"Wait a minute. What's so wrong with Al and Vinnie passing out envelopes containing checks?"

You can defend it all you like, I found it silly. And stavka makes an excellent point. In the business Michael and the other Dons are in, it seems a bit unrealistic that you simply draw and pass out checks to your colleagues (or soon-to-be-ex colleagues) in Organized Crime. In real life, it would probably be done a bit more 'under the table', via bank transfers etc.

That was strictly for show and it was silly.

In keeping with most of the rest of the movie, of course...

The only times I tend to cut 'GFIII a little slack' is when I again attempt to watch it. When it loses me yet again, that's when I stop cutting it slack.

"Movie was terrible; wait I should cut it some slack...on it's own it was aweful, but held against GF and GF part III it was terrible." -- GREAT line, stavka lol (although I'm sure you mean GF part II...)

Just curious is there ANY movie you can hold it against that it might seem ok?


A wise and frugal government, which shall leave men free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned - this is the sum of good government.