Originally Posted By: Capo de La Cosa Nostra
No. It's not iffy for political correct reasons, it's iffy because of democratic reasons. But I'm gay like that; I class myself as on par with an Arab terrorist, because I'm in no position to doubt he doesn't believe in what he does.

Democratic reasons? Like what? That you have the unalienable right to get on an airplane no matter who you are?

Last time I checked, that isn't a civil right.

Nobody should be offended or made uncomfortable in order to preserve the freedom of others. "Sorry, ma'am, I have to check you in order to preserve the safety of yourself and others" should apply to a Catholic caucasian nun as much as it should to a young Arab. I think everybody should be made uncomfortable, everybody should be offended. Everybody should be checked.

Yeah, you believe that. I'm sure the Catholic nun, the little white old lady, is packing some C-4 in her purse.

But then you'd probably argue against that and say it'd cripple our air traffic systems, up admin fees and taxes and whatnot. It'd be an intrusion upon your rights, simply because you were born to not physically fit the profile of an Arab.

You can't have it both ways.

Blah, blah, blah. You're willing to sacrifice people's lives to uphold this sacred value of "democracy" which you haven't defined. Some ideal of civil rights that are nonexistent?

They could do a lot better than they are, and I've already discussed that (even though you've neglected to read that).

I don't want it both ways. I want security improved. Part of that is racial and ethnic profiling, particularly based upon country of origin.

Senseless destruction. That's what it's all about.