Capo, be it nature or nurture, I agree with DJ that all people are racist on some level. We tend to stereotype and generalize. It's not a good thing, but it is a reality.
If by "We" you mean the civilised, sophisticated, educated Capitalist West, I agree. Once we're nurtured beyond childhood into wanting to serve the state, make money and retire with profit and so-called happiness, we tend to have been corrupted also into a dangerous, ruthless and quite insane state of mind which tends to think about others more than the self.

But yeah, that entire paragraph could probably be met with a really great, extensive, convincing argument such as "Blah blah blah".


Democratic reasons? Like what? That you have the unalienable right to get on an airplane no matter who you are?

Last time I checked, that isn't a civil right.

It isn't, no. But I don't see how anybody could have the right or be in any position to judge who gets on a plane and who doesn't based solely on skin colour. Next you'll be saying, "Woah, he smells of curry, he's not getting on this fucking plane." (Save the rant about the racist tones in that, I'm aware of them and used them for a reason.)

I'm sure the Catholic nun, the little white old lady, is packing some C-4 in her purse.
I don't, actually. But I have as much reason to believe she doesn't as I believe the Arab sitting next to me doesn't. And I think that checking everyone makes it more systematic, fair, and less of a lottery. Contrary to what your pal Goldberg says, I can't "worry about [consequences] later". Goldberg, you and others are like a small unit of police who run from place A, where you're killing off Soviets, then rest in the shadows and get bored, and then rush to place B to kill off the Arabs. The kind who scream "WAR!" when you see a plane going into a building and then rush off without really thinking about it. Self-proclaimed moral upkeepers.

It's horseshit. And your "blah blah blah" sarcastic hostility and extremist intolerance is outright fucking annoying. The only reason I'm posting this is that if I didn't, you'd probably be stroking your cock saying, "I won! I won! He doesn't have an answer to my profound way of thinking!!!!"

Well I do, just so you know if you respond to this, but I shan't even bother typing it out.

...dot com bold typeface rhetoric.
You go clickety click and get your head split.
'The hell you look like on a message board
Discussing whether or not the Brother is hardcore?