Originally Posted By: Double-J
 Originally Posted By: long_lost_corleone
 Originally Posted By: Double-J
Like I said, I think that the system needs to be increased across the board.

But it's also painstakingly clear that there is a better chance that someone who is a Muslim/Arab is more likely to blow up the plane than the 85-year-old white grandma, so we shouldn't be blind to that either. Not saying don't check them both - wouldn't be prudent at this juncture - just saying to use your head.

Did you know that 100% of Caucasians smoke crystal-meth and watch NASCAR?

I need my fix! Go Dale!

Yep. And all African-American's love fried chicken. Almost as much as all Mexican's go 28-a-car, and all Asian's are amazing at math, all Jews are cheap as bums, and so on.

I'm just saying, if we make it a point to check Muslims/those of Middle Eastern decent/a white guy with a tan/person of ambiguous decent in airports, we should make it a point to force our African-American citizens to slap special stickers on their automobiles, so we can perform racially-charged highway-side cocaine checks.

Last edited by long_lost_corleone; 05/25/07 08:08 PM.

"Somebody told me when the bomb hits, everybody in a two mile radius will be instantly sublimated, but if you lay face down on the ground for some time, avoiding the residual ripples of heat, you might survive, permanently fucked up and twisted like you're always underwater refracted. But if you do go gas, there's nothing you can do if the air that was once you is mingled and mashed with the kicked up molecules of the enemy's former body. Big-kid-tested, motherf--ker approved."