along with the four albums you mentioned - which i completely agree with on the subject of being essential - i'd throw some girls into the mix too; that album is totally under-rated, always getting the shaft when it comes to discussions on the "definitive stones albums." it's often stated that the record is a "response" to the disco & punk era, & it's filled with piss & vinegar, a renewed focus, energy & soul, mick's determination to reclaim the title as rock's crowning frontman, & some of keef's best guitar hooks - his best since their 60's & 70's heyday, anyhow. they just sound plain nasty on that album. not to mention "miss you," "beast of burden" & "shattered" are some of mick & keef's greatest songwriting efforts. am i the only some girls fan here? along with the aforementioned releases, i'd say it rounds out their top 5 greatest albums...

i love how a topic on bob dylan's birthday has turned into a pop music free-for-all, haha - i guess it had to be expected.

the power of accurate observation is commonly called cynicism by those who have not got it. george bernard shaw