Mon (5/28) (official)
TM  2659  MIN  (19) 56  2715  Loves Beltin' Beltre
DB  2646  MIN  (19) 49  2695  Is a BBC Bully for Passing GG  :P
GG  2462  MIN  (19) 52  2514  Astros didn't lose!  (Didn't play, either)
JG  2416  MIN  (19) 41  2457  Randy Winn?
CC  2352  MIN  (19) 51  2403  Every batter contributes
KL  2309  NYY  (-9) 17  2326  Shares the pain with Yanks
JL  2184  MIN  (19) 37  2221  Instead of DNP, just change a few?
BL  1986  MIL  (19) 43  2029  Hits 2000

Last edited by Don Sicilia; 05/29/07 10:23 AM. Reason: No changes