I watched the bottom of the eighth inning last night. Did anyone else see it? There was some discussion about whether A-Rod should have let the sacrifice go foul, but it's a judgment play where you don't have a lot of time to decide, and the ball stayed fair for quite a while. Plus, it's up to the catcher to tell him to let it go because he has the best view. Posada did break from the plate and followed the ball. I assume he didn't yell "Let it go!" before A-Rod picked it up. After watching the replay, I think it would have rolled foul, but it was the right play at the time to pick it up because it was too hard to tell, and you can't risk a first and third with nobody out in a tie game in the eighth.
i think the big play was how Matsui misplayed the lead-off double. He judged the ball terribly.