I had the strangest thing happen to me today. I'm getting off the bus after work and this African American guy with dread locks, probably no more then 28 or 30 hops up suddenly to get off the bus with me. He tells me he doesn't mean to be forward but he thinks I'm extremely attractive and would like to go out with me. I felt like saying that must be some potent shit he smoked.

I guess it's true that black guys like women with a little meat on their bones..haha. I just said I was flattered. He asked if I was seeing someone, so of course I had to say yeah. Or say I'm a lesbian. I'm just glad I was going to the grocery store and not home, so he couldn't follow me there. I'm thinking is this guy gonna leave or take out a knife and cut my throat. He just said ok and wished me a good day. I guess I'm now one of the home girls.