Originally Posted By: long_lost_corleone
 Originally Posted By: Double-J
Nobody is going to their houses for an illegal search and seizure.

Why would we do that when we can just tap their phone lines?

I love Echelon. It helped take down the mob, it's helping take down terror.

Probable cause, bitches!

 Originally Posted By: long_lost_corleone

It doesn't matter who's likely to do what, speaking on generalizations. Because that's what they are; generalizations. And it's so highly unconstitutional (you know, that whole "all men created equal" thing...) that I want to find a board of wood with a nail sticking through it, and do an headstand on it.

What about my fucking civil rights? Or the 3-year-old in seat 14-A, sitting next to his mother? Or the married couple just leaving for their honeymoon? The decent, hardworking American citizens who are getting on planes to go about their business and everyday lives?

No. Fuck those civil liberties. After all, we wouldn't want to "alienate" the muslim world, which recently has given our society so many blessings like...what's that again? Suicide bombing? Oh yeah.

And the actual terrorists, LLC? Once again, I'll ask you yet again, show me these white people who are allegedly just as likely to be committing these heinous acts as radical Muslims...I still have those crack stickers waiting.