Originally Posted By: long_lost_corleone
See this is my problem all together; You're completely ignoring their rights. And you and I both know the majority of acts of terror in the US are being committed by citizens and aliens alike of Muslim descent; but I think svsg made a great point in comparing terrorism to that of a disease that occurs mostly in men, but the percentage of men infected is still relatively small. There aren't nearly as many acts of terror being committed as we'd be left to believe, the media just flocks to the few committed like a pack of rabid ex-cons to a voluptuous sixteen year old girl. It's a business built on fear.

So the civil rights of the Muslim community, a community which has yet to churn out these malcontents who want to attack our country, and has yet to stand up and reject these notions (by saying 25% of them support suicide bombers), has more important rights when it comes to flying on an airplane than the rest of the U.S.?

I guess I don't see your logic. I don't see how you can sit here and say, "you and I both know the majority of acts of terror in the US are being committed by citizens and aliens alike of Muslim descent," but then tell me that it doesn't happen often enough or that because the percentage of terrorists in the Muslim community is small, we should ignore that fact.

"There aren't nearly as many acts of terror being committed as we'd be left to believe." Really? So, what, after 9/11 (and before that, embassy bombings), that's like 3,500+ Americans killed. Maybe you're right, that's an insignificant number.

After all, 3,500+ decent, hard-working Americans died in vain so that Muslim terrorists could get on airplanes and blow up some more Americans.
