Originally Posted By: Double-J

"There aren't nearly as many acts of terror being committed as we'd be left to believe." Really? So, what, after 9/11 (and before that, embassy bombings), that's like 3,500+ Americans killed. Maybe you're right, that's an insignificant number.

After all, 3,500+ decent, hard-working Americans died in vain so that Muslim terrorists could get on airplanes and blow up some more Americans.


The small number is not in the context of victims, it was for the number of terrorists. 9/11 did not require thousands of terrorists, though those dozen odd guys were able to kill thousands. Don't quote some random survey about 25% supporting suicide bombers, I don't believe its authenticity, it may well be written by someone who shares your opinions. I, for example have a lot of muslim friends. NONE of them support terrorists. What percentage of muslims living in the country(citizens or otherwise) are directly or indirectly connected with terrorists. Does FBI/CIA or whatever have any numbers? Please show us those kind of statistics and you will have no difficulty in proving us wrong.