Originally Posted By: Double-J
 Originally Posted By: svsg
Don't quote some random survey about 25% supporting suicide bombers, I don't believe its authenticity, it may well be written by someone who shares your opinions.

I didn't realize the Pew Research Center and the Associates Press were not reliable, authentic sources.

Thank you, come again!

Though I still don't know anything about Pew or Associate Press,
this is what Pew had to say:

They conducted survey on about 1000 muslims:

Very few Muslim Americans – just
1% – say that suicide bombings against
civilian targets are often justified to defend
Islam; an additional 7% say suicide bombings
are sometimes justified in these
circumstances. In Western Europe, higher
percentages of Muslims in Great Britain,
France and Spain said that suicide bombings
in the defense of Islam are often or sometimes justified.


Now that is 1% as I suspected, not 25%.

There are a lot of normal people who fall into the additional 7% . For those who remember, in the Hiroshima thread, a lot of people here supported Civilian attack, because it served a greater good. Probably including yourself. The survey does not give the details of what justifications those additional 7% had. Or even what they actually said. These can be mis-interpreted or taken out of context. It is those 1% that needs to be arrested and punished.... not the 99% of peaceful muslims. I will look at the other source (associates press) later. But if this survey is authentic, I guess I should see similar results.